Oh yes, I joined a very interesting website today named "Twitter". It's basically a rip off of Facebook but they suck at programming webs so all you can do is pretty much say what you're doing at any one time, whereas Facebook lets you have full profiles and pictures of you drunk and things like that. Before you ask (which gives me a lot of time to say this because I know you won't), I do have a Facebook profile, but I set it to private and I refuse to add anyone.. except my good friend Ross from Friends, R.I.P. Anyway, my twitter can be found at Twitter.com/AttentiveNinja.. it's quite useless but we'll see, it may save my life one day and that is worth holding onto. That's why I subscribe to every English language broadsheet newspaper and the newsletter of 12 of the major whale oil retailers, as well as some other smaller publications which aren't such an interesting read but the mass of paper I receive at each of my 6 dwellings each morning is quite nice and means I don't need to buy fire wood. Not that I start many fires but if I ever need to, I'll be able to do so cheaply.
That brings me to my next (and possibly last) thought: why are koreans so handy with flamethrowers?
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